Saturday, December 8, 2012

New Expansions

Here are preview videos of a few new expansions I got for some card games - a way for me to burn off some excitement about these new products until I get a chance to play with them. This time: Summoner Wars and The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game.


  1. I didn't have time to listen to all the videos yet, but I'm really excited by the Battle of Lake Town scenario. It sounds like it'd be a lot of fun to play! ^_^ (But I agree no new character cards is a little disappointing)

  2. Hey! Thanks for watching and commenting. I'm trying to keep all of my videos to 10 minutes or less for that very reason, but sometimes it's difficult. Once I get my new home straightened out a bit more it would be great to have a few people over for a LotR:TCG adventure night. ^_^
