This is the first in a new
series of Stacking the Deck articles, this time focusing on the game Summoner
Wars. If you’re not familiar with this fun tactical card game you can read
my Design Review here. In each of these articles I’ll present one deck, talk
about my process in creating the deck, and some strategies for how to use it
effectively. For my first article I’ll be building a deck with the Tundra Orcs
faction. But first, let’s talk a little bit about how deck building works in Summoner
Assembling Your Army
Most games that allow you to
build your own deck to play with, give you a bunch of cards and let you pick
what you want. There are usually some guidelines, a few restrictions, or just
some practical considerations that will shape the way you build a deck, but for
the most part you’ll have free reign. Deck building in Summoner Wars is
much more restricted. That’s not to say there isn’t room for creativity,

A Cold Start
Since Mercenaries are one of the
foremost ways to add some new variety to a deck, when I thought about building
some custom decks for Summoner Wars, the first thing I did was look
through my Mercenary cards. I noticed that there were a few Mercenary units
that had special abilities relating to walls. Walls are the only form of
terrain in the game, and I recalled that the two Orc factions both make special
use of walls. Three of the event cards in the Tundra Orcs deck are Ice Walls.
Ice Walls count as additional walls, except that they only have 3 Life
Points instead of 9. So, mixing some of these wall-specialist Mercenaries into
a Tundra Orc deck seemed like a fun idea.
So now I pulled out the
Tundra Orc deck. Their summoner is Grognack. He’s a pretty tough melee
fighter with an Attack Value of 4 and 7 Life Points. His special ability, Walls
of Ice Shard, lets you roll to do damage to each enemy unit adjacent to one or
more of your walls. This makes him a pretty defensive summoner. You really want
to lure your opponents into your territory where they’ll have to fight adjacent
to your walls. Meanwhile, 3 of his event cards are the aforementioned Ice
Walls, meaning you could potentially have a total of 6 walls out – twice as
many as most factions can get.

What will I replace my extra Smashers
and Shamans with? To start with, there is a Mercenary unit called the Stonecloak.
These guys have 3 Life Points, which is exception for a common unit with a
Summoning Cost of 1. To offset this advantage, they have a negative special
ability called Stolen Armor. Basically, it forces you to deal 3 wounds to a
wall you control when you summon the Stonecloak. Because the Tundra Orcs
will be fielding more walls than usual, this isn’t such a big drawback. I’ll
replace the 4 extra Smashers with 4 Stonecloaks. The 4 extra Shamans
will be replaced with 4 Thwarters – a very defensive melee unit that
comes in the Tundra Orcs’ reinforcements pack. These units together are
creating a very defensive deck. The remainder of the common units in the deck
is 8 Fighters. These guys are cheap to deploy and can be pretty
aggressive, with the ability to move and attack multiple times each round if
the dice are in their favor. I’ll leave them in there because they’ll make a
good counter point to the rest of the deck, just in case I need to go on the
offensive at some point.
Last, but not least, we need
3 champion units to finish off our deck. I can include at most 2 more Mercenary
units in my deck without breaking the 6 Mercenary limit, and I’ve been saving
those slots for a couple of Mercenary champions.
Etch and The Seer have only moderate Attack Value
and Life Points, but they also both have rather low Summoning Costs for champions.
Their real advantage is in their special abilities. Etch allows you to
wound a wall to move 1 card from the top of your discard pile to your magic
pile. This lets you generate more magic in an economic way, effectively being
able to use discarded cards twice. You can use this to damage enemy walls, but
because you have more walls than usual, it’s also a viable strategy to keep Etch
safely tucked away and have him wound your own walls to power his ability. The
Seer only needs to be adjacent to a wall to use his ability, which lets you
look at the top card of the draw pile for the player that controls the wall
he’s adjacent to. You can then add that card to either that player’s hand,
discard pile, or magic pile. Now, you could use this to mess with your opponent,
moving a card from his draw pile to his discard pile without him being able to
use it, but it is far better to keep him safe on your side of the board adding
cards from the top of your draw pile to your hand or your magic pile. For our
third champion, we’ll use Bragg. He’s a little bit tougher than Etch
and The Seer, and as long as he’s on the battlefield, he enhances both
your Ice Walls and another event card called Freeze. Another
advantage of these champions is that they are all ranged units, something
lacking among the common units we’re using.
Solitary Fortress
Now let’s look at our deck.
I’m going to start by simply listing all of the cards in the deck, and then
I’ll discuss how to use them.
Grognack (Summoner)
A Hero is Born (Event)
Freeze x3 (Event)
Ice Wall x3 (Event)
Reinforcements x2 (Event)
Wall x3 (Event)
Bragg (Champion)
Etch (Champion)
The Seer (Champion)
Fighter x8 (Common)
Shaman x1 (Common)
Smasher x1 (Common)
Stonecloak x4 (Common)
Thwarter x4 (Common)
Overall, this deck should be
played rather defensively. Stay back and surround yourself with walls. Make it
as difficult as you can for your opponent to approach you without getting
adjacent to your walls and your units.
A lot of what you can do
depends on the cards that you draw, but one thing to keep in mind is that The
Seer will benefit you the most if you can get him out early in the game. So
try to have a ready supply of at least 3 cards in your magic pile, so that you
can play him as soon as he becomes available. If you draw the event card A
Hero is Born before you find The Seer, go ahead and use it to search
your deck for The Seer and add him to your hand.
You start out with a Shaman
and a Smasher but these aren’t really essential to your strategy. It may
not be a bad idea to defeat them yourself (attacking your own units is legal)
in order to build magic early on. The rest of your common units have a Summon
Cost of 1, so getting them out when you need them shouldn’t be too hard.
I would focus on summoning Stonecloaks
and Thwarters since these contribute to your defensive strategy. Discard
Fighters to build magic, and throw one into the fray only when you need
to turn the tables on your opponent and go more on the offensive. Save your Freezes
for when your opponent sends a particularly tough champion your way.
That’s my idea for a defensive Tundra Orcs deck. I haven’t actually played with this deck, but I would be curious to see it in action. Have any thoughts on how this deck could be improved? Is there a better way to make use of these cards? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
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