Thursday, April 5, 2012

[Game Idea] Mercenaries

From time to time I have a spark of an idea for a game, but it doesn't grow into a full-fledged concept. I'm going to post some of these ideas here just to share these ideas that may never be developed into a finished game. If I get a lot of positive feedback on these ideas I may do some further development on them. For the most part, though, I'm just curious to hear your thoughts on these.

 Working Title: Mercenaries
Modern Art, various tactical board/card games
Premise: In the distant future, it is illegal for any government to have a standing army. So, when conflicts arise, various factions turn to mercenaries to fight their battles. These mercenaries lend a variety of specialized skills and weaponry to the highest bidder.

Concept: This game consists of a board with a grid to represent the battlefield, and a deck of cards. Each card is a mercenary, and the cards are the real focus of the game. Each player starts out with an equal number of chips that represent their money. Each round consists of a "hiring" phase, and a "battling" phase. On the hiring phase, a mercenary is revealed from the deck, and players bid chips for that card. The highest bidder adds that card to their side of the battlefield. On the battling phase, players trigger special abilities on their cards and use their mercenaries to attack their opponents. Successful attacks will score you points. The object is to be the first to score a certain number of points.

The highlight of the game should be the planning and bidding on mercenaries. All mercenaries should be relatively equal when isolated, but the way certain mercenaries interact or counter one another means that different cards will have varying values for each player at different points in the game. One of the keys to winning will be to gauge the value of a card relative to each player when it is revealed, and then to manipulate the bidding to try and control who gets which cards, or how much they pay for them. For example, if a card comes up that you know would be extremely valuable to your opponent in this particular game, you could try to drive the price up so he can't afford it, or will have to deplete his resources and have less buying power in the next round.

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